Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2072 → Rev 2073

4,8 → 4,9
- Status windows is now in a tab (no more popup). Deconnexion of the user when the tab is closed
- Linux Kernel update (4.4.30) - coova-chilli updated (1.3.2) with IPSEC VPN resolve code (see #255 on github)
- Linux Kernel update (4.4.32) - coova-chilli updated (1.3.2) with IPSEC VPN resolve code (see #255 on coova github)
- network filtering by user
- Begin of Chinese translation (user web page)
- beginning of the Chinese translation
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
7,7 → 7,7
Group: Development/Kernel
Source0: %name-%version.tgz
%define kversion 4.4.30-server-2.mga5
%define kversion 4.4.32-server-1.mga5
High performance NetFlow v5, v9, IPFIX flow data export module for Linux kernel.
48,8 → 48,8
* Fri Nov 13 2016 Richard Rey <rexy>
- Version for the kernel 4.4.30
* Sun Nov 27 2016 Richard Rey <rexy>
- Version for the kernel 4.4.32
* Sat Oct 29 2016 Richard Rey <rexy>
- Version for the kernel 4.4.26
* Sat May 14 2016 Richard Rey <rexy>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
12,7 → 12,7
# The kernel version we compile netflow for
# ****** Alcasar needed RPMS - paquetages nécessaires au fonctionnement d'Alcasar ******
PACKAGES="arp-scan vim-enhanced freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-ldap apache apache-mod_ssl apache-mod_php dansguardian postfix mariadb ntp bind-utils openssh-server php-xml php-ldap php-mysqli php-mbstring php-sockets php-cli php-curl php-pdo_sqlite php-json rng-utils rsync clamav perl-rrdtool perl-MailTools perl-Socket6 fail2ban gnupg ulogd pm-fallback-policy ipset cronie-anacron gammu usbutils locales-en usb_modeswitch tinyproxy vnstat php-gd sudo iftop man kernel-firmware-nonfree dos2unix p7zip"
141,6 → 141,39
$l_remaining_time = "Tempo restante";
$l_uam_domain = "Sites autorizados : ";
$l_autoregistration = "Registo autom&aacute;tico";}
else if ($Language == 'zn'){
$l_ChilliError = "验证必须通过强制门户服务";
$l_login = "验证成功<HR>关闭此窗口中断连接";
$l_logout = "关闭连接";
$l_loginfailed = "验证失败";
$l_loggingin = "强制门户身份识别";
$l_loggedcont = "访问控制";
$l_loggedout = "您的连接已关闭";
$l_user = "用户名";
$l_password = "密码";
$l_wait = "请等待 ...";
$l_onlinetime = "连接时间";
$l_remainingtime = "断开连接于";
$l_encrypted = "与门户的连接必须加密";
$l_boutonO = "验证";
$l_boutonF = "关闭";
$l_loggedin_stringl1 = "信息系统安全";
$l_loggedin_stringl2 = "这种控制实施以法定保证可追溯性,可归罪性和连接的不否认性.";
$l_loggedin_stringl3 = "您的网络活动是私密登记的.";
$l_loggedin_stringl4 = "记录的数据能被司法机关在调查中操作使用.";
$l_loggedin_stringl5 = "这些数据将在一年后自动删除.";
$l_loggedin_stringl6 = "点击 <a href='$alcasarpath'> 这里 </a> 修改密码或安装浏览器安全证书";
$l_loggedout_string = "强制网络门户连接已断开";
$l_reply_1 = "您已经达到每日连接时间";
$l_reply_2 = "您已经达到每月连接时间";
$l_reply_3 = "您尝试在授权时间以外连接";
$l_reply_4 = "您的账号已过期";
$l_reply_5 = "您已经达到同时连接的最大数量";
$l_reply_6 = "已经到达您的允许连接时间";
$l_online_time = "在线时间";
$l_remaining_time = "剩余时间";
$l_uam_domain = "授权网站 : ";
$l_autoregistration = "短信注册";}
else if($Language == 'de'){
$l_ChilliError = "Die Authentifizierung ist erfolgreich durch die Nutzung des Portals erfolgt.";
$l_login = "Erfolgreiche Authentifizierung.<HR>Schlißen dieses fensters unterbricht die sitzung";
87,7 → 87,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Uploaded"; // to translate
$l_original_url_label = "Original URL"; // to translate
$l_not_available = "Not available"; // to translate
$l_na = "N/A"; // to translate
$l_error = "error"; // to translate
$l_welcome = "Welcome"; // to translate
$l_conn_history = "Your last $nb_connection_history connections"; // to translate
112,7 → 111,6
$l_uploaded_label = "数据上传";
$l_original_url_label = "初始网址";
$l_not_available = "不可用";
$l_na = "N/A";
$l_error = "出错";
$l_welcome = "欢迎";
$l_conn_history = "您最近的$nb_connection_history次连接";
137,7 → 135,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Enviados";
$l_original_url_label = "URL Original";
$l_not_available = "Não disponível";
$l_na = "N/A";
$l_error = "Erro";
$l_welcome = "Bem-vindo(a)";
$l_conn_history = "Suas últimos conexões : $nb_connection_history";
148,7 → 145,7
else if($Language == 'de'){
$l_login1 = "Erfolgreiche Authentifizierung";
$l_logout = "Beenden der Verbindung";
$l_logout_question = "Are you sure you want to disconnect now?"; // to translate
$l_logout_question = "Möchten Sie die Verbindung jetzt wirklich trennen?"
$l_loggedout = "Ihre Sitzung ist geschlossen";
$l_wait = "Bitte warten Sie einen Moment ...";
$l_state_label = "State"; // to translate
162,7 → 159,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Uploaded"; // to translate
$l_original_url_label = "Original URL"; // to translate
$l_not_available = "Not available"; // to translate
$l_na = "N/A"; // to translate
$l_error = "error"; // to translate
$l_welcome = "Welcome"; // to translate
$l_conn_history = "Your last $nb_connection_history connections"; // to translate
173,7 → 169,7
else if($Language == 'nl'){
$l_login1 = "Succesvolle authenticatie";
$l_logout = "Slotkoers verbinding";
$l_logout_question = "Are you sure you want to disconnect now?"; // to translate
$l_logout_question = "Bent u zeker dat u wilt nu los te koppelen?";
$l_loggedout = "Uw sessie is gesloten";
$l_wait = "Wacht een moment ...";
$l_state_label = "State"; // to translate
187,7 → 183,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Uploaded"; // to translate
$l_original_url_label = "Original URL"; // to translate
$l_not_available = "Not available"; // to translate
$l_na = "N/A"; // to translate
$l_error = "error"; // to translate
$l_welcome = "Welcome"; // to translate
$l_conn_history = "Your last $nb_connection_history connections"; // to translate
212,7 → 207,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Données envoyées";
$l_original_url_label = "URL demandée";
$l_not_available = "Non disponible";
$l_na = "N/D"; // to translate
$l_error = "erreur";
$l_welcome = "Bienvenue";
$l_conn_history = "Vos $nb_connection_history dernières connexions";
237,7 → 231,6
$l_uploaded_label = "Uploaded";
$l_original_url_label = "Original URL";
$l_not_available = "Not available";
$l_na = "N/A";
$l_error = "error";
$l_welcome = "Welcome";
$l_conn_history = "Your last $nb_connection_history connections";
409,15 → 402,15
<tr id="inputOctetsRow">
<td id="inputOctetsLabel" class="chilliLabel"><?php echo $l_downloaded_label; ?></td>
<td id="inputOctets" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_na; ?></td>
<td id="inputOctets" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_not_available; ?></td>
<tr id="outputOctetsRow">
<td id="outputOctetsLabel" class="chilliLabel"><?php echo $l_uploaded_label; ?></td>
<td id="outputOctets" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_na; ?></td>
<td id="outputOctets" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_not_available; ?></td>
<!--tr id="originalURLRow">
<td id="originalURLLabel" class="chilliLabel"><?php echo $l_original_url_label; ?></td>
<td id="originalURL" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_na; ?></td>
<td id="originalURL" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $l_not_available; ?></td>
<td colspan=2 id="conHistoryLabel" class="chilliLabel"><?php echo $l_conn_history; ?></td>