Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 610 → Rev 703

0,0 → 1,14
bool load($username, $attribute)
bool add()
bool delete()
bool update()
bool save()
bool set($key, $val)
array get($key)
bool checkPassword($pwd)
bool setPassword($pwd)
bool addgroup($group)
bool deletegroup($group)
array groups()
0,0 → 1,395
if (!(defined('ALCASAR_SESSION') && (ALCASAR_SESSION === 1))){
require_once('mysql.class.php');// the mysql class in already OK!
class radiusMysqlUser
// public properties
// no public properties
// private properties
private $database = null;
private $username = null;
private $userpassword = null; //$userpassword attribute = Crypt-Password
private $userInfos = Array("id"=>"0","Username"=>"","Name"=>"","Mail"=>"","Department"=>"","WorkPhone"=>"","HomePhone"=>"","Mobile"=>"");
private $checkItems = Array();
private $replyItems = Array();
private $op = Array();
private $groups = Array();
//TO DO : init $userInfos, $checkItems and $replyItems fields and operator from config file !!!! URGENT
// protected properties
// no protected properties
// Class constructor
public function __construct($dbOptions = Array())
Db init and config init to do!
if (count($dbOptions) == 0){
global $config;
$this->database = new mysql($config['mysql_host'],$config['mysql_user'],$config['mysql_pwd'],$config['mysql_db']);
} else {
// TO DO
//$this->database = new mysql("","root","","radius");
// Class destructor
public function __destruct()
//$this->mysql->close(); //is private !
$this->database = null;
// public methods
public static function find($options = Array(), $escape=false)
$database = new mysql("","root","","radius");
If the options are not xss clean, escape all options string by calling _escapeDatas() method.
if ($escape == true) {
//$this->_extractArray($options, true); //create variable from $options array and get xss clean for mysql database
$options = $this->_escapeDatas($options); //create variable from $options array and get xss clean for mysql database
The differents $options values are :
$distinct -> only distinct response ?
$username -> only for this username
$fields -> fields to return (default : username)
$search -> search value to find
$search_IN -> search in this/those field(s)(text or array)
$limit -> to limit the resultset
$offset -> offset (work with $limit for pagination)
$sortby -> sort by x field (default : no sorting)
$sortdir -> sort direction (ASC/DESC) (default : no sorting)
$radius_attr-> radius attribute to find (text or array) if search_IN = radius
$sql = "SELECT ";
// distinct option
if ((isset($distinct))&&($distinct=="distinct"))
$sql .= "DISTINCT ";
// field option (make sure that the field exist!)
if ((isset($options['fields']))&&($options['fields']!='')){
$sql .= $options['fields'].", username ";
$sql .= "username ";
$sql .= "FROM userinfo ";
// search option
if ((isset($options['username']))&&($options['username']!='')){
// where option
if ((isset($options['username']))&&($options['username']!=""))
$sql .= "WHERE username='".$options['username']."'";
$this->username = $options['username'];
// sort
if ((isset($options['sortby']))&&($options['sortby']!='')){
$sql .= "ORDER BY ".$options['sortby']." ";
if ((isset($options['sortdir']))&&($options['sortdir']!='')){
$sql .= "LIMIT ".$options['sortdir']." ";
// limit / offset
if ((isset($options['limit']))&&($options['limit']!='')){
if ((isset($options['offset']))&&($options['offset']!='')){
$sql .= "LIMIT $offset $limit ";
} else {
$sql .= "LIMIT $limit ";
$sql .= ";";
// query
$result = $database->query($sql);
// return the result values
return $result;
public function load($username, $attribute = false) //ok
Load an user from mysql database. If $attribute==true, get all chekitems and replyitems attributes too.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE UserName='$username';";
$result = $this->database->query($sql);
if (count($result) != 1) return false;
$this->userInfos = $result[0];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radusergroup WHERE UserName='$username';";
$groups = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($groups as $group){
$this->groups[] = $group['groupname'];
if ($attribute === true){
// get from radcheck table
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radcheck WHERE username='$username';";
$rows = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($rows as $row){
$this->checkItems[$row['attribute']] = $row['value'];
// get from radreply table
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radreply WHERE username='$username';";
$rows = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($rows as $row){
$this->replyItems[$row['attribute']] = $row['value'];
return true;
public function add()
Add the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
(only if the user not already exist)
$sql = "";
//INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
//INSERT userinfo table (insert)
$sql = "INSERT INTO userinfo (UserName, Name, Mail, Department, WorkPhone, HomePhone, Mobile) VALUES ($this->username, $this->userInfos['Name'], $this->userInfos['Mail'], $this->userInfos['Department'],$this->userInfos['WorkPhone'],$this->userInfos['HomePhone'],$this->userInfos['Mobile'])";
//INSERT radcheck table (insert)
foreach($this->checkItems as $key => $value){
if ($value!=""){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, attribute, op, value) VALUES ($this->username, $key, $this->op[$key], $value)";
//INSERT radreply table (insert)
foreach($this->replyItems as $key => $value){
if ($value!=""){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radreply (UserName, attribute, op, value) VALUES ($this->username, $key, $this->op[$key], $value)";
//INSERT radusergroup table (insert)
foreach($this->groups as $group){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radusergroup (userName, groupname, priority) VALUES ($this->username, $group, 1)";
//INSERT radpostauth table (insert)
//$sql = "INSERT INTO radpostauth () VALUES ()";
// NOT YET !
public function delete() //ok
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
Delete the current user from the mysql database
note : this function doesn't delete any accounting record of the current user
if ($this->userid == 0) return 0; //0 record deleted
//can be better with transaction
$sql1 = "DELETE FROM radreply WHERE username = $this->username ;";
$sql2 = "DELETE FROM radcheck WHERE username = $this->username ;";
$sql3 = "DELETE FROM radpostauth WHERE username = $this->username ;";
$sql4 = "DELETE FROM radusergroup WHERE username = $this->username ;";
$sql5 = "DELETE FROM userinfo WHERE username = $this->username ;";
$nb1 = $this->database->exec($sql1);
$nb2 = $this->database->exec($sql2);
$nb3 = $this->database->exec($sql3);
$nb4 = $this->database->exec($sql4);
$nb5 = $this->database->exec($sql5);
return ($nb1+$nb2+$nb3+$nb4+$nb5); // n record deleted
public function update()
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
Update the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
(only if the user does not already exist)
if ($this->userid == 0) return 0; //0 record deleted
//UPDATE userinfo table (update)
//UPDATE radcheck table (update)
//UPDATE radreply table (update)
//UPDATE radusergroup table (update)
//UPDATE radpostauth table (update)
public function save() //ok
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
insert or Update the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
(use add() and update() method)
if ($this->userInfos['id'] != 0){
// User was loaded, so it exist
return $this->update();
// load function was not called, we must test if the user exist!
$options['username'] = $this->username;
$users = radiusMysqlUser::find($options);
if (count($users)==0){
//username do not exist
} elseif (count($users)==1){
//username already exist
return $this->update();
} else {
// error in database, we fixe it
return $this->add();
public function get($userInfo = 'null') //ok
return userInfos
if (array_key_exists($userInfo, $this->userInfos)){
return $this->userInfos[$userInfo];
} else {
return $this->userInfos;
public function set($userInfo) //ok
Set a value in userInfos
if (array_key_exists($userInfo, $this->userInfos)){
$this->userInfos[$userInfo] = $userInfo;
if (strtolower($userInfo) == "username") $this->username = $userInfo;
public function getAttribute($attribute = null)
Get a checkItem or replyItem from the user or get the value from the mysql database
if ($attribute == null){
return array_merge($this->checkItems, $this->replyItems);
} else {
if (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->userInfos)){
return $this->userInfos[$attribute];
} elseif (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->checkItems)){
return $this->checkItems[$attribute];
} elseif (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->replyItems)){
return $this->replyItems[$attribute];
} else{
return null;
public function setAttribute($attribute)
Set a checkItem or replyItem of the user
public function checkPassword($pwd)
// Check the user password
// Return true or false
public function setPassword($pwd = null, $username = null)
if ($pwd==null){
$pwd = $this->_encrypt($this->checkitems);
} else {
// Set or change the user password
$sql =
"SELECT value FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]';");
"UPDATE $config[sql_check_table] SET value = '$passwd' $text3 WHERE
attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]' AND username = '$login';"
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_check_table] (attribute,value,username $text1)
VALUES ('$config[sql_password_attribute]','$passwd','$login' $text2);"
// private methods
private function _escapeDatas($options)
private function _encrypt()
# calcul d'un salt pour forcer le chiffrement en MD5 au lieu de blowfish par defaut dans php version mdva > 2007.1
if ($numargs == 2){
return crypt($passwd,$salt);
return crypt($passwd,$salt);
private function _init()
//TO DO : supprimer les variables globales
global $attrmap, $attr_type, $attr_op;
foreach ($attrmap as $attr){
if ($attr_type[$attr]=="checkItem"){
$this->checkItems[$attr] = "";
}elseif ($attr_type[$attr]=="replyItem"){
$this->replyItems[$attr] = "";
if ($attr_op[$attr] != ""){
$this->op[$attr] = $attr_op[$attr];
} else {
$this->op[$attr] = "=";
// protected methods
// no protected method
2,7 → 2,12
if (!(defined('ALCASAR_SESSION') && (ALCASAR_SESSION === 1))){
require_once('mysql.class.php');// the mysql class in already OK!
class radiusMysqlUser
12,10 → 17,12
// private properties
private $database = null;
private $username = null;
private $userid = 0;
private $userInfos = Array("Username"=>"","Name"=>"","Mail"=>"","Department"=>"","WorkPhone"=>"","HomePhone"=>"","Mobile"=>"");
private $userpassword = null; //$userpassword attribute = Crypt-Password
private $userInfos = Array("id"=>"0","Username"=>"","Name"=>"","Mail"=>"","Department"=>"","WorkPhone"=>"","HomePhone"=>"","Mobile"=>"");
private $checkItems = Array();
private $replyItems = Array();
private $op = Array();
private $groups = Array();
//TO DO : init $userInfos, $checkItems and $replyItems fields and operator from config file !!!! URGENT
24,12 → 31,18
// no protected properties
// Class constructor
public function __construct($dbOptions = Array(), $attributeConfig = Array())
public function __construct($dbOptions = Array())//ok
Db init and config init to do!
$this->database = new mysql("","root","","radius");
if (count($dbOptions) == 0){
global $config;
$this->database = new mysql($config['mysql_host'],$config['mysql_user'],$config['mysql_pwd'],$config['mysql_db']);
} else {
if (isset($mysql_host)&&isset($mysql_user)&&isset($mysql_pwd)&&isset($mysql_db)){
$this->database = new mysql($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_pwd,$mysql_db);
// Class destructor
public function __destruct()
121,27 → 134,37
if (count($result) != 1) return false;
$this->userInfos = $result[0];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radusergroup WHERE UserName='$username';";
$groups = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($groups as $group){
$this->groups[] = $group['groupname'];
if ($attribute === true){
// get from radcheck table
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radcheck WHERE username='$username';";
$result = $this->database->query($sql);
if (count($result) != 1) return false;
$this->checkItems = $result[0];
$rows = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($rows as $row){
$this->checkItems[$row['attribute']] = $row['value'];
// get from radreply table
$sql = "SELECT * FROM radreply WHERE username='$username';";
$result = $this->database->query($sql);
if (count($result) != 1) return false;
$this->replyItems = $result[0];
$rows = $this->database->query($sql);
foreach ($rows as $row){
$this->replyItems[$row['attribute']] = $row['value'];
return true;
public function add()
public function add()//ok
Add the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
151,19 → 174,40
//INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
//INSERT userinfo table (insert)
$sql = "INSERT INTO userinfo (UserName, Name, Mail, Department, WorkPhone, HomePhone, Mobile) VALUES ()";
$sql = "INSERT INTO userinfo (UserName, Name, Mail, Department, WorkPhone, HomePhone, Mobile) VALUES ($this->username, $this->userInfos['Name'], $this->userInfos['Mail'], $this->userInfos['Department'],$this->userInfos['WorkPhone'],$this->userInfos['HomePhone'],$this->userInfos['Mobile'])";
//INSERT radcheck table (insert)
$sql = "";
foreach($this->checkItems as $key => $value){
if ($value!=""){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, attribute, op, value) VALUES ($this->username, $key, $this->op[$key], $value)";
//INSERT radreply table (insert)
$sql = "";
foreach($this->replyItems as $key => $value){
if ($value!=""){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radreply (UserName, attribute, op, value) VALUES ($this->username, $key, $this->op[$key], $value)";
//INSERT radusergroup table (insert)
$sql = "";
foreach($this->groups as $group){
$sql = "INSERT INTO radusergroup (userName, groupname, priority) VALUES ($this->username, $group, 1)";
//INSERT radpostauth table (insert)
//$sql = "INSERT INTO radpostauth () VALUES ()";
// NOT YET !
public function delete() //ok
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
Delete the current user from the mysql database
note : this function doesn't delete any accounting record of the current user
187,6 → 231,9
public function update()
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
Update the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
(only if the user does not already exist)
196,85 → 243,225
//UPDATE userinfo table (update)
//UPDATE radcheck table (update)
foreach ($this->checkItems as $checkItem){
if ($checkItem == ""){
$this->_deleteItem($checkItem, "radcheck");
} else {
$this->_insertUpdateItem($checkItem, "radcheck");
//UPDATE radreply table (update)
foreach ($this->replyItems as $replyItem){
if ($replyItem == ""){
$this->_deleteItem($replyItem, "radreply");
} else {
$this->_insertUpdateItem($replyItem, "radreply");
//UPDATE radusergroup table (update)
foreach ($this->groups as $group){
if ($group == ""){
} else {
//UPDATE radpostauth table (update)
public function save() //ok
public function save()
if ($this->username === null)
return false;
insert or Update the current user with all his attribute in the mysql database
(use add() and update() method)
if ($this->userid == 0){
return $this->add();
} else {
if ($this->userInfos['id'] != 0){
// User was loaded, so it exist
return $this->update();
// load function was not called, we must test if the user exist!
$options['username'] = $this->username;
$users = radiusMysqlUser::find($options);
if (count($users)==0){
//username do not exist
} elseif (count($users)==1){
//username already exist
return $this->update();
} else {
// error in database, we fixe it
return $this->add();
public function get($userInfo = 'null') //ok
public function set($key = null, $val=null)//ok
return userInfos
Set a value in userInfos, checkItem or replyItem
if (array_key_exists($userInfo, $this->userInfos)){
return $this->userInfos[$userInfo];
if (($key == null)||($val == null)){
return false;
} else {
return $this->userInfos;
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->userInfos)){
$this->userInfos[$key] = $val;
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $this->checkItems)){
$this->checkItems[$key] = $val;
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $this->replyItems)){
$this->replyItems[$key] = $val;
} else{
return false;
return true;
public function set($userInfo) //ok
public function get($key = null)//ok
Set a value in userInfos
Get a userInfos, checkItem or replyItem from the user or get the value from the mysql database
if (array_key_exists($userInfo, $this->userInfos)){
$this->userInfos[$userInfo] = $userInfo;
if ($key == null){
$tmp = array_merge($this->userInfos,$this->checkItems, $this->replyItems);
return array_change_key_case($tmp);
} else {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->userInfos)){
return $this->userInfos[$key];
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $this->checkItems)){
return $this->checkItems[$key];
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $this->replyItems)){
return $this->replyItems[$key];
} else{
return null;
if (strtolower($userInfo) == "username") $this->username = $userInfo;
public function getAttribute($attribute = null)
public function checkPassword($pwd)
Get a checkItem or replyItem from the user or get the value from the mysql database
if (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->userInfos)){
// Check the user password
// Return true or false
public function setPassword($pwd = null, $username = null)
if ($pwd==null){
$pwd = $this->_encrypt($this->checkitems);
} else {
} elseif (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->checkItems)){
} elseif (array_key_exists($attribute, $this->replyItems)){
// Set or change the user password
$sql =
"SELECT value FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]';");
} else{
"UPDATE $config[sql_check_table] SET value = '$passwd' $text3 WHERE
attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]' AND username = '$login';"
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_check_table] (attribute,value,username $text1)
VALUES ('$config[sql_password_attribute]','$passwd','$login' $text2);"
public function groups()
return $this->groups;
public function addgroup($groupname)//ok
$this->groups[] = $groupname;
public function deletegroup($groupname)//ok
if (array_key_exists($groupname, $this->groups)){
public function setAttribute($attribute)
// private methods
private function _insertUpdateItem($itemName, $tableName)
Set a checkItem or replyItem of the user
// faire un select
$sqlSelect = "";
$result = $database->query($sqlSelect);
if (count($result) > 0){
// update si réponse select > 0
$sqlUpdate = "";
return $this->database->exec($sqlUpdate);
} else {
// insert si réponse select == 0
$sqlInsert = "";
return $this->database->exec($sqlInsert);
public function checkPassword($pwd)
private function _deleteItem($itemName, $tableName)
// Check the user password
// Return true or false
$sql1 = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE username = $this->username AND attribute = $itemName;";
return $this->database->exec($sql1);
public function setPassword($pwd)
private function _insertUpdateGroup($groupName)
// Set or change the user password
// faire un select
$sqlSelect = "";
$result = $database->query($sqlSelect);
if (count($result) > 0){
// update si réponse select > 0
$sqlUpdate = "";
return $this->database->exec($sqlUpdate);
} else {
// insert si réponse select == 0
$sqlInsert = "";
return $this->database->exec($sqlInsert);
// private methods
private function _deletegroup($groupName)
$sql1 = "DELETE FROM radusergroup WHERE username = $this->username AND groupname = $groupName;";
return $this->database->exec($sql1);
private function _escapeDatas($options)
private function _init($configFile)
private function _encrypt()
# calcul d'un salt pour forcer le chiffrement en MD5 au lieu de blowfish par defaut dans php version mdva > 2007.1
if ($numargs == 2){
return crypt($passwd,$salt);
return crypt($passwd,$salt);
private function _init()
//TO DO : supprimer les variables globales
global $attrmap, $attr_type, $attr_op;
foreach ($attrmap as $attr){
if ($attr_type[$attr]=="checkItem"){
$this->checkItems[$attr] = "";
}elseif ($attr_type[$attr]=="replyItem"){
$this->replyItems[$attr] = "";
if ($attr_op[$attr] != ""){
$this->op[$attr] = $attr_op[$attr];
} else {
$this->op[$attr] = "=";
// protected methods
// no protected method
0,0 → 1,56
if (!(defined('ALCASAR_SESSION') && (ALCASAR_SESSION === 1))){
$config['general_use_session'] = "no";
$config['general_sql_attrmap'] = ALCASAR_ADMIN_PATH_INC."/sql.attrmap";
#Read sql attribute map
if (isset($_SESSION['attrmap'])){
#If attrmap is set then the rest will also be set
$attrmap = $_SESSION['attrmap'];
$rev_attrmap =$_SESSION['rev_attrmap'];
$attr_type = $_SESSION['attr_type'];
$ARR = file("$config[general_sql_attrmap]");
foreach($ARR as $val){
//if (ereg('^[[:space:]]*#',$val) || ereg('^[[:space:]]*$',$val))
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
$rev_attrmap["$v"] = $key;
if (isset($show_attrs)){
foreach($show_attrs as $key => $desc){
if ($attrmap["$key"] == ''){
$attrmap["$key"] = $key;
$attr_type["key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$key"] = $key;
//if ($config[general_use_session] == 'yes'){
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes'){
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
0,0 → 1,38
if (!(defined('ALCASAR_SESSION') && (ALCASAR_SESSION === 1))){
$config['general_use_session'] = "no";
$config['general_sql_attrmap'] = ALCASAR_ADMIN_PATH_INC."/sql.attrmap";
#Read sql attribute map
if (isset($_SESSION['attrmap'])){
#If attrmap is set then the rest will also be set
$attrmap = $_SESSION['attrmap'];
$attr_type = $_SESSION['attr_type'];
$attr_op = $_SESSION['attr_op'];
$ARR = file("$config[general_sql_attrmap]");
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes'){