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# $Id: index.php 2216 2017-05-09 20:31:16Z tom.houdayer $
# index.php for ALCASAR by Rexy
# UI & css style by stephane ERARD
# The contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License Version 2, provided that the above copyright
# notice and this permission notice is included in all copies or
# substantial portions of the software.
*                       GLOBAL FILE PATHS                       *
define ("CONF_FILE", "/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf");
define ("DOMAIN_ALLOWED_LIST", "/usr/local/etc/alcasar-uamdomain");

*                       FILE reading test                       *
$conf_files = array(CONF_FILE);
foreach ($conf_files as $file) {
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
                exit("File ".$file." unknown");
        if (!is_readable($file)) {
                exit("You don't have read rights on the file ".$file);
*                       Read CONF_FILE                          *
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
if (!$file_conf) {
        exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
        $tampon = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
        if ((strpos($tampon, '=') !== false) && (substr($tampon, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
                $tmp = explode('=', $tampon);
                $conf[$tmp[0]] = trim($tmp[1]);

$organisme = trim($conf["ORGANISM"]);
$hostname = trim($conf["HOSTNAME"]).'.'.trim($conf["DOMAIN"]);
$network_pb = False; # "" changes this value if a network issue is detected
$diagnostic = "can't contact the default router"; # "" changes this value if a network issue is detected
$cert_add = "http://$hostname/certs";
$direct_access = False;
$remote_ip = preg_match('#^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$#', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "";
$tab = array();$user = array();
$connection_history =  "";
$nb_connection_history = 3;
$Language = 'en';
        $Langue = explode(",",$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
        $Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2));
$redirect_link = ""; # Default redirection for HTTPS interception (beware, this website must run in HTTP)

# Retrieve the user info behind the remote ip
exec ("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query list | grep -Ew $remote_ip" , $tab);
$user = explode (" ", $tab[0]);

# Test if it's a direct connexion to ALCASAR
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && (($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) || ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === 'alcasar') || ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === $hostname) || ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] === $organisme))) {
        $direct_access = true;
        exec("sudo /usr/sbin/ipset del not_auth_yet $remote_ip"); # del user of the ipset "not_auth_yet" to not loop

# Function to adapt time connexion in seconds to H,M,S
function secondsToDuration($seconds = null){
        if ($seconds == null) return "";
        $temp = $seconds % 3600;
        $time[0] = ( $seconds - $temp ) / 3600 ;        // hours
        $time[2] = $temp % 60 ;                         // seconds
        $time[1] = ( $temp - $time[2] ) / 60;           // minutes
        return $time[0]." h ".$time[1]." m ".$time[2]." s";

# if user need to be warned
if(isset($_GET['warn']) && isset($_GET['url']))
        $direct_access = False;

if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] != "0")){ # the user is authenticated
        if(isset($_GET['redirect'])) # if user has been warned, we redirect him to his website
                header('Location: '.$_GET['url'], true, 307);
        # we retrieve his three last connections
        if ((is_file("./acc/manager/lib/sql/drivers/mysql/functions.php"))&&(is_file("/etc/freeradius-web/config.php"))){
                $sql = "SELECT UserName, AcctStartTime, AcctStopTime, acctsessiontime FROM radacct WHERE UserName='$user[5]' ORDER BY AcctStartTime DESC LIMIT 0 , $nb_connection_history";
                $link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
                if ($link){
                        $res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,$sql);
                        if ($res){
                                $connection_history.= "<ul>";
                                while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
                                        $connected = "";
                                        if ($row['acctstoptime'] == "") $connected = " (active)";
                                        $connection_history.="<li title='$row[username] $row[acctstarttime] $row[acctstoptime] (".secondsToDuration($row['acctsessiontime']).")'>$row[acctstarttime] (".secondsToDuration($row['acctsessiontime']).") $connected</li>";
else # the user isn't authenticated
        exec("sudo /usr/sbin/ipset list not_auth_yet | grep $remote_ip | wc -l 2>&1", $ipset_not_auth_yet);
        if(!$direct_access && $ipset_not_auth_yet[0] == '0'){ # it's the first stage of the interception
                $display_menu = True; # Display menu for user not_auth_yet
                if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])){ # In HTTP, the user is redirected on it's home page. In HTTPS, it's on the default page (see $redirect_link)
                        $redirect_link = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        if(isset($_GET['url'])){ # it's the second stage (when user has clicked on the button "open a connection")
                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/ipset add not_auth_yet $remote_ip"); # Add user in the ipset "not_auth_yet" (DNS requests not intercepted)
                $redir = "http://".$_GET['url'];
                header("Location: $redir",TRUE,307);
        if ($ipset_not_auth_yet[0] == '1'){ # if user not_auth_yet still here (index.php), we force DNS resquest.
                 echo "<script>window.location.reload(true)</script>"; # force DNS request
# Choice of language
if($Language == 'fr'){
        $l_access_denied = "Contrôle d'accès";
        $l_access_welcome = "Bienvenue sur ALCASAR";
        $l_access_unavailable = "ACCÈS INDISPONIBLE";
        $l_required_domain = "Site WEB demandé";
        $l_explain_acc_access = "Le centre de gestion permet d'administrer le portail. Vous devez posséder un compte d'administration ou de gestion pour y accéder.";
        $l_explain_access_deny = "Vous tentez d'accéder à une ressource dont le contenu est réputé contenir des informations inappropriées.";
        $l_explain_net_pb = "Votre portail détecte que l'accès à Internet est indisponible.";
        $l_contact_access_deny = "Contactez le responsable de la séurité (OSSI/RSSI) si vous pensez que ce filtrage est abusif.";
        $l_contact_net_pb = "Contactez votre responsable informatique ou votre prestataire Internet pour plus d'information.";
        $l_sms_access = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/autoregistrationinfo.php\">Auto Enregistrement par SMS</a>";
        $l_install_certif = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Installer le certificat racine</a>";
        $l_install_certif_more = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Installation du certificat de l'autorité; racine d'ALCASAR</a>";
        $l_certif_explain = "Permet l'échange de données sécurisées entre votre station de consultation et le portail captif ALCASAR.<BR>Si ce certificat n'est pas enregistré sur votre station de consultation, il est possible que des alertes de sécurité soient émises par votre navigateur.<br><br>";
        $l_certif_explain_help = "<a href=\"alcasar-certificat.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Aide complémentaire</a>";
        $l_category = "catégorie :";
        if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
                $l_logout_explain = "Aucune session de consultation Internet n'est actuellement ouverte sur votre système.";
                $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname/index.php?url=$redirect_link\">Ouvrir une session Internet</a>";
                if ($user[5] != $user[0]){ # authentication exception or not
                        $l_logout_explain = "Ferme la session de l'usager actuellement connecté. <br><br>Utilisateur connecté : <a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\" title=\"Deconnecter l'utilisateur $user[5]\"><b>$user[5]</b></a><br><br>$nb_connection_history dernières connexions :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\">Se déconnecter d'internet</a>";
                        $l_logout_explain = "Votre système ($user[5]) est en exception d'authentication.<br><br>$nb_connection_history dernières connexions :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "Information des connexions";
        $l_password_change = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/pass\">Changer votre mot de passe</a>";
        $l_password_change_explain = "Vous redirige sur la page de changement du mot de passe de votre compte d'accès à Internet.<br><br>Vous devez avoir un compte internet valide.";
        $l_sms_explain = "Vous redirige vers la page explicative de l'auto enregistrement par SMS.<br><br><strong>Identifiant:</strong> votre numéro de téléphone<br><strong>Mot de passe:</strong> votre message";
        $l_back_page = "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Page précédente</a>";
        $l_service_sms = "Service SMS actif";
        $l_service_sms_n = "Service SMS non actif";
        $l_acc_sms = "Auto enregistrement par SMS";
        $l_explain_warn = "L'administrateur a créé une archive contenant vos journaux de connexion dans le cadre d'une affaire judiciaire.";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php?redirect=1&url=".urlencode($_GET['url'])."\" class=\"button\">Je comprends et je souhaite continuer ma navigation.</a>";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php\" class=\"button\">Je comprends et je souhaite continuer ma navigation.</a>";
        $l_title_warn="Cher utilisateur, ";
        $l_explain_warn_name="Une personne sous le nom de ";
        $l_explain_warn_ip="sous cette IP : ";
        $l_explain_warn_date="a consulté vos journaux de connexion le ";
        $l_explain_warn_reason="Raison invoquée : ";
        $l_uam_domain = "Sites autorisés : ";
else if($Language == 'pt'){
        $l_access_denied = "Controle de acesso";
        $l_access_welcome = "Bem-vindo ao Alcasar";
        $l_access_unavailable = "ACESSO INDISPONÍVEL";
        $l_required_domain = "Site WEB Obrigatório";
        $l_explain_acc_access = "Este é o centro de controle do portal para acessar você deve ter uma conta administrativa valida.";
        $l_explain_access_deny = "Você tenta se conectar a um recurso cujo conteúdo é considerado inadequado no conteúdo de informações.";
        $l_explain_net_pb = "O sistema detectou que o acesso é de risco, não será permitido o acesso";
        $l_contact_access_deny = "Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema de segurança se acha que essa filtragem é abusiva.";
        $l_contact_net_pb = "Entre em contato com a empresa fornecedora de Internet para mais informações";
        $l_sms_access = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/autoregistrationinfo.php\">Auto Registration by SMS</a>";
        $l_install_certif = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Instalar Certificado Alcasar AC</a>";
        $l_install_certif_more = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Instalar Certificado Alcasar AC</a>";
        $l_certif_explain = "O certificado Permiti a troca de dados seguro entre seu computador e o portal Alcasar.<BR>Se este certificado não estiver incorporado no seu computador, alguns alertas de segurança deverá aparecer no navegador.<br><br>";
        $l_certif_explain_help = "<a href=\"alcasar-certificat.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Essa foi uma ajuda complementar</a>";
        $l_category = "categoria :";
        if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
                $l_logout_explain = "Não há conexão de Internet aberta em seu computador, deseja conectar?";
                $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname/index.php?url=$redirect_link\">Abrir uma conexão de Internet</a>";
                if ($user[5] != $user[0]){ # authentication exception or not
                        $l_logout_explain = "Se desejar, feche a conexão do usuário atual conectado.<br> Usuário conectado : <a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\" title=\"Disconnect user $user[5]\"><b>$user[5]</b></a><br><br>$nb_connection_history logins últimos :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\">Sair da Internet</a>";
                        $l_logout_explain = "O sistema ($user[5]) detctou exesso de autenticação.<br><br>$nb_connection_history logins últimos :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "Informações de conexões";
        $l_password_change = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/pass\">Mudar sua senha</a>";
        $l_password_change_explain = "Você será redirecionado à página de alteração de senha.<br><br> e deverá ter uma conta de usuário valido para efetuar a troca e acessar à Internet.";
        $l_sms_explain = "Redirect you on auto registration page.<br><br><strong>Login:</strong> your phone number<br><strong>Password:</strong> SMS content";
        $l_back_page = "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Página anterior</a>";
        $l_service_sms = "SMS service enable";
        $l_service_sms_n = "SMS service disable";
        $l_acc_sms = "Auto registration by SMS";
        $l_explain_warn = "El administrador ha creado un archivo que contiene los periódicos de inicio de sesión como parte de un proceso judicial."; 
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php?redirect=1&url=".urlencode($_GET['url'])."\" class=\"button\">Lo comprendo y deseo continuar mi navegación.</a>";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php\" class=\"button\">Lo comprendo y deseo continuar mi navegación.</a>";
        $l_title_warn="Estimado usuario,";
        $l_explain_warn_name="El usario ";
        $l_explain_warn_ip="con este IP : ";
        $l_explain_warn_date="consultó a sus registros de conexión el ";
        $l_explain_warn_reason="con la siguiente razón : ";
        $l_uam_domain = "Sites autorizados : ";
else if($Language == 'zn'){
        $l_access_denied = "访问控制";
        $l_access_welcome = "欢迎来到ALCASAR";
        $l_access_unavailable = "不可访问";
        $l_required_domain = "访问的网站";
        $l_explain_acc_access = "管理中心能管理门户,您必须通过超级用户或者管理用户来访问。";
        $l_explain_access_deny = "您试图访问一个含有不当信息的资源。";
        $l_explain_net_pb = "您的门户检测因特网不可用。";
        $l_contact_access_deny = "如果您认为该过滤不当,请联系安全负责人(OSSI/RSSI)。";
        $l_contact_net_pb = "请联系IT负责人或网络服务商来了解更多信息。";
        $l_sms_access = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/autoregistrationinfo.php\">短信自动登录 </a>";
        $l_install_certif = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">安装根证书 </a>";
        $l_install_certif_more = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">安装根证书 </a>";
        $l_certif_explain = "允许您的计算机与ALCASAR门户进行安全数据交换。<BR>如果该证书未包含在您的计算机中,您的浏览器将出现一些安全提醒。<br><br>";
        $l_certif_explain_help = "<a href=\"alcasar-certificat.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">额外帮助</a>";
        $l_category = "类别 :";
        if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
                $l_logout_explain = "您的系统目前没有打开任何网络咨询进程。";
                $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname/index.php?url=$redirect_link\">打开一个网络进程</a>";
                if ($user[5] != $user[0]){ # authentication exception or not
                        $l_logout_explain = "关闭当前连接进程。<br> 已连接用户:<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\" title=\" $user[5]\"><b>$user[5]</b></a><br><br>$nb_connection_history 最后连接 :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\">断开网络</a>";
                        $l_logout_explain = "您的系统($user[5])验证例外<br><br>$nb_connection_history 最后连接: $connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "连接信息";
        $l_password_change = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/pass\">更改您的密码</a>";
        $l_password_change_explain = "重新指向密码修改页面。<br><br> 您需要一个可用的网络账户。";
        $l_sms_explain = "重新指向短信登录页面。<br><br><strong>用户名:</strong>您的电话号码<br><strong>密码:</strong>您的信息";
        $l_back_page = "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">上一页</a>";
        $l_service_sms = "短信服务可用";
        $l_service_sms_n = "短信服务禁用";
        $l_acc_sms = "短信自动注册";
        $l_explain_warn = "管理员创建了一份可用于司法调查的连接日志文档。";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php?redirect=1&url=".urlencode($_GET['url'])."\" class=\"button\">我明白并希望继续浏览。</a>";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php\" class=\"button\">我明白并希望继续浏览。</a>";
        $l_explain_warn_reason=" 如下原因:";
        $l_uam_domain = "授权网站 : ";
else if ($Language == 'ar'){
        $l_access_denied = "مراقبة الدخول";
        $l_access_welcome = "ALCASAR مرحبا بك في";
        $l_access_unavailable = "الدخول غير متوفر";
        $l_required_domain = "موقع إنترنيت مطلوب";
        $l_explain_acc_access = "مركز التحكم يمكنك من إدارة البوابة. يلزمك التوفر على حساب الادارة للدخول.";
        $l_explain_access_deny = "محاولة لدخول موارد تحتوي على معلومات غير ملائمة المحتوى";
        $l_explain_net_pb = "بوابتك تكتشف ان الدخول على الانترنت غير متوفر";
        $l_contact_access_deny = "المرجو الاتصال بضابط أمن (OSS / RSS) إذا اعتقدت ان هذه التصفية غير قانونية";
        $l_contact_net_pb = "المرجو الاتصال بمدير المعلومات أو مورد الأنترنت للمزيد من المعلومات";
        $auto_save_sms_text = "تسجيل ذاتي على";
        $l_sms_access = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/autoregistrationinfo.php\">SMS $auto_save_sms_text</a>";
        $l_install_certif = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">ركب جذر الشهادة</a>";
        $install_cert_text = "تركيب شهادة السلطة؛ جذر الكزار";
        $l_install_certif_more = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">ALCASAR $install_cert_text</a>";
        $exchange_data_text = "يمَكن من تبادل البيانات المؤمّنة بين محطة الاستفسار و بوابة الكزار الأسيرة";
        $cert_not_saved_text = "إذا لم يتم تسجيل هذه الشهادة على محطة الاستفسار الخاصة بك، فمن الممكن ان يتم إصدار تنبيهات أمنية من متصحفك";
        $l_certif_explain = "<br><br>.$cert_not_saved_text<br> .$exchange_data_text";
        $l_certif_explain_help = "<a href=\"alcasar-certificat.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">مساعدة إضافية </a>";
        $l_category = "فئة :";
        if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
                $l_logout_explain = "و لا جلسة استفسار للإنترنت مفتوحة حاليا على نظامك";
                $close_session_text = "فتح جلسة الإنترنت";
                $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname/index.php?url=$redirect_link\">$close_session_text</a>";
                if ($user[5] != $user[0]){ # authentication exception or not
                        $close_session_text = "إقفال جلسة المستخدم المتصل حاليا";
                        $user_logged_text = "المستخدم متصل";
                        $disconnect_user_text = "قطع الاتصال على المستخدم";
                        $l_logout_explain = "Ferme la session de l'usager actuellement connecté. <br><br>Utilisateur connecté : <a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\" title=\"Deconnecter l'utilisateur $user[5]\"><b>$user[5]</b></a><br><br>$nb_connection_history dernières connexions :$connection_history";
                        $logout_internet_text = "قطع الاتصال على الإنترنت";
                        $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\">$logout_internet_text</a>";
                        $your_system_text = "نظامك";
                        $auth_except_text = "على توثيق استثنائي";
                        $last_conn_text = "اتصالات مشاركة";
                        $l_logout_explain = "$connection_history :$last_conn_text $nb_connection_history<br><br>$auth_except_text ($user[5]) $your_system_text";
                        $l_logout = "معلومات على الاتصالات ";
        $change_pass_text = "غير كلمتك السرية";
        $l_password_change = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/pass\">$change_pass_text</a>";
        $redirect_pass_text = "يوجهك على صفحة تغيير الكلمة السرية لحساب الإنترنت الخاص بك";
        $valid_account_text = "يجب ان يكون حساب الإنترنت الخاص بك صالحاً";
        $l_password_change_explain = "$valid_account_text<br><br>.$redirect_text";
        $redirect_sms_text = "يوجهك على الصفحة التفسيرية للتسجيل الذاتي بطريقة";
        $login_text = "تسجيل الدخول";
        $your_phone_text = "رقم الهاتف الخاص بك";
        $pass_text = "كلمة السر";
        $your_message_text = "رسالتك";
        $l_sms_explain = "$your_message_text <strong>$pass_text</strong><br>$your_phone_text <strong>$login_text</strong><br><br>$redirect_sms_text";
        $previous_text = "الصفحة السابقة";
        $l_back_page = "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">$previous_text</a>";
        $l_service_sms = "نشطة SMS خدمة";
        $l_service_sms_n = "غير نشطة SMS خدمة";
        $l_acc_sms = "تسجيل ذاتي عن طريق SMS";
        $l_explain_warn = "المسؤول أنشأ أرشيفاً تحتوي على سجلات الاتصال في إطار تحقيق قضائي";
        $understand_text = "أنا متفهم و أريد ان أواصل التصفح";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php?redirect=1&url=".urlencode($_GET['url'])."\" class=\"button\">$understand_text</a>";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php\" class=\"button\">$understand_text</a>";
        $l_title_warn = "عزيزي المستعمل, ";
        $l_explain_warn_name = "شخص مسمىٰ ";
        $l_explain_warn_ip = "تحت هذا IP: ";
        $l_explain_warn_date = "إطّلع على سجلات الاتصال الخاصة بك في";
        $l_explain_warn_reason = "السبب المسرّح به: ";
        $l_uam_domain = ":المواقع المسموحة ";
        $l_access_denied = "Access control";
        $l_access_welcome = "Welcome on ALCASAR";
        $l_access_unavailable = "ACCESS UNAVAILABLE";
        $l_required_domain = "Required WEB site";
        $l_explain_acc_access = "This center control the portal. You must have an administrative account.";
        $l_explain_access_deny = "You try to connect to a resource whose content is deemed to contain inappropriate information.";
        $l_explain_net_pb = "Your portal has just detected that the Internet access is down";
        $l_contact_access_deny = "Contact your security system manager if you think this filtering is abusive.";
        $l_contact_net_pb = "Contact your network responsive or your Internet provider for more information";
        $l_sms_access = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/autoregistrationinfo.php\">Auto Registration by SMS</a>";
        $l_install_certif = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Install ALCASAR AC Certificate</a>";
        $l_install_certif_more = "<a href=\"$cert_add/certificat_alcasar_ca.der\">Install ALCASAR AC Certificate</a>";
        $l_certif_explain = "Allow secure data exchange between your computer and ALCASAR portal.<BR>If this certificate isn't incorporated in your computer, some security alerts should appear in your browser.<br><br>";
        $l_certif_explain_help = "<a href=\"alcasar-certificat.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Complementary help</a>";
        $l_category = "category :";
        if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
                $l_logout_explain = "No Internet consultation session is actualy open on your system";
                $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname/index.php?url=$redirect_link\">Open an Internet session</a>";
                if ($user[5] != $user[0]){ # authentication exception or not
                        $l_logout_explain = "Close the session of the user currently connected.<br> User logged-on : <a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\" title=\"Disconnect user $user[5]\"><b>$user[5]</b></a><br><br>$nb_connection_history last connections :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "<a href=\"http://$hostname:3990/logoff\">Logoff from internet</a>";
                        $l_logout_explain = "Your system ($user[5]) is in exception of authentication.<br><br>$nb_connection_history Last logins :$connection_history";
                        $l_logout = "Connections information";
        $l_password_change = "<a href=\"https://$hostname/pass\">Change your password</a>";
        $l_password_change_explain = "Redirect you on password change page.<br><br> You should already have an Internet access account.";
        $l_sms_explain = "Redirect you on auto registration page.<br><br><strong>Login:</strong> your phone number<br><strong>Password:</strong> SMS content";
        $l_back_page = "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Previous page</a>";
        $l_service_sms = "SMS service enable";
        $l_service_sms_n = "SMS service disable";
        $l_acc_sms = "Auto registration by SMS";
        $l_explain_warn = "The administrator created an archive which contains your imputabilities logs for a judicial investigation.";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php?redirect=1&url=".urlencode($_GET['url'])."\" class=\"button\">I understand and I wish to continue.</a>";
                $l_continue_link = "<a href=\"index.php\" class=\"button\">I understand and I wish to continue.</a>";
        $l_title_warn="Dear user,";
        $l_explain_warn_name="Someone called ";
        $l_explain_warn_ip="with this IP : ";
        $l_explain_warn_date="has read your connexion logs at ";
        $l_explain_warn_reason="For this reason : ";
        $l_uam_domain = "Authorized websites : ";

$l_title = ($direct_access ? $l_access_welcome : ($network_pb ? $l_access_unavailable : $l_access_denied));
$l_explain = ($direct_access ? $l_explain_acc_access : ($network_pb ? $l_explain_net_pb : $l_explain_access_deny));

# set the icons
$img_rep = "/images/";
$img_organisme = "organisme.png";
$img_access = "globe_acces_70.png";
$img_connect = "globe_70.png";
$img_warning = "globe_warning_70.png";
$img_pwd = "cle_ombre.png";
$img_certificate = "certificat.png";
$img_acc = "logo-alcasar_70.png";
$img_sms = "sms.png";
$img_false = "interdit.png";
$img_adm = "adm.png";
$img_internet = $img_connect;

if ((isset ($user[4])) && ($user[4] == "0")){
        if (! $network_pb){
                $img_internet = $img_access;
                $img_internet = $img_warning;
        $img_internet = $img_connect;

# cleaning the cache
header("Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");

exec("sudo /usr/sbin/ipset list not_filtered | grep $remote_ip | wc -l 2>&1", $ipset_not_filtered);
# if user is in "ipset_not_filtered" then he must refresh its dns cache (we are in the interception process)
if (!$direct_access && !$display_menu && ($ipset_not_filtered[0] == '1') && (!$network_pb) && (!isset($_GET['warn']))) {
        echo '<!doctype html><html><head><script>window.location.reload(true)</script></head><body></body></html>'; # force DNS request

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <title>ALCASAR - <?php echo $l_title; ?></title>
        <meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache">
        <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style_intercept.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function valoriserDiv5(param){
                document.getElementById("box_info").innerHTML = param.innerHTML;
<body onload="valoriserDiv5(text_conn);">
if ($direct_access || $display_menu){
        echo "
        <div id=\"cadre_titre\" class=\"titre_controle\">
                <p id=\"acces_controle\" class=\"titre_controle\">$l_title</p>";
        if ($network_pb) {
                echo "  <span>$l_explain_net_pb</span>";
else{ # the user is intercepted
        # if user need to be warned that someone reads his logs
        if (isset($_GET['warn']) && isset($_GET['url']) && $_GET['warn'] == '1') {
                echo "
                <div id=\"cadre_titre\" class=\"titre_refus\">
                <p id=\"acces_controle\" class=\"titre_refus\">$l_title_warn</p>";
        else{ # the user is blacklisted (or whitelisted)
                echo "
                <div id=\"cadre_titre\" class=\"titre_refus\">
                <p id=\"acces_controle\" class=\"titre_refus\">$l_title</p>";

                <div id="boite_logo">
                        <img src="<?php echo "$img_rep$img_organisme"; ?>">
                <div id="contenu_acces">
                        <div id="box_url">
                                // Search blacklist categories
                                if ((!$direct_access) && (!$display_menu) && (!$network_pb) && (!isset($_GET['warn']))) {
                                        $pattern = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
                                        exec('grep -Re ' . escapeshellarg('^'.$pattern.'$') . " /etc/dansguardian/lists/blacklists/*/domains | cut -d'/' -f6", $output);
                                        $lists = [];
                                        foreach ($output as $line) {
                                                $lists[] = $line;

                                        echo $l_required_domain.' : '.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
                                        if (!empty($lists)) {
                                                echo "<br>$l_category ".implode(', ', $lists);
# Check if the SMS service is enable
if ($service_SMS_status == "true"){
                <div class="box_menu" id="box_acc" onmouseover="valoriserDiv5(text_acc);">
                        <img src="'.$img_rep.''.$img_sms.'">

                <div class="div-cache" id="text_acc">
                        <p><font color="green"><center>'.$l_service_sms.'</center></font></p>
                        <img src="'.$img_rep.''.$img_sms.'">
else {
if ($direct_access || $display_menu){
        if (!$network_pb){
                echo "
                <div class=\"box_menu\" id=\"box_conn\" onmouseover=\"valoriserDiv5(text_conn);\">
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_internet\">

        // Read the "Domain allowed" file
        $domainAllowedHtml = '';
        $tab = file(DOMAIN_ALLOWED_LIST);
        if ($tab) { // the file isn't empty
                $domainAllowedHtml .= '<p>'.$l_uam_domain.'<br><ul>';
                foreach ($tab as $line) {
                        if (trim($line) !== '') { // the line isn't empty
                                $domain_allowed = explode("#", $line);
                                if (trim($domain_allowed[1]) !== '') {
                                        $domain = explode('"', $domain_allowed[0]);
                                        // remove every '.' from the beginning of domain
                                        $domain[1] = ltrim($domain[1], '.');
                                        $domainAllowedHtml .= '<li><a href="http://'.trim($domain[1]).'">'.trim($domain_allowed[1]).'</a></li>';
                $domainAllowedHtml .= '</ul></p>';

        echo "
                <div class=\"box_menu\" id=\"box_certif\" onmouseover=\"valoriserDiv5(text_certif);\">
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_certificate\">
                <div class=\"box_menu\" id=\"box_mdp\" onmouseover=\"valoriserDiv5(text_mdp);\">
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_pwd\">
                <div class=\"div-cache\" id=\"text_conn\">
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_internet\">
                <div class=\"div-cache\" id=\"text_certif\">
                        <p>$l_certif_explain $l_certif_explain_help</p>
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_certificate\">                          
                <div class=\"div-cache\" id=\"text_mdp\">
                        <img src=\"$img_rep$img_pwd\">
                <div id=\"box_info\">
else {
        # user need to be warned that someone reads his logs
        if(isset($_GET['warn']) && isset($_GET['url']) && $_GET['warn'] === '1'){
                $filename = '/var/www/html/acc/backup/log_info.txt';
                $l_explain_warn = '';
                if (file_exists($filename)) {
                        $fichier = fopen($filename, 'r');
                        $content = file($filename);
                        foreach ($content as $line) {
                                $infos = explode('|||', $line);
                                $log_date   = $infos[0];        
                                $log_user   = $infos[1];        
                                $log_reason = $infos[2];        
                                $log_ip     = $infos[3];        
                        $l_explain_warn = "$l_explain_warn_name$log_user ($l_explain_warn_ip$log_ip) $l_explain_warn_date$log_date.<br>$l_explain_warn_reason<br>$log_reason";
                        echo "Log error!";
                echo "
                        <div id=\"box_refuse\">
                                <img src=\"$img_rep$img_warning\">
                        <div id=\"liens_redir\">
                echo "
                        <div id=\"box_refuse\">
                                <img src=\"$img_rep$img_false\">
                        <div id=\"liens_redir\">
        if (($network_pb)&&(! $direct_access)) {
                echo "  <span>Diagnostic : $diagnostic</span>";
        echo "</div>";
        if($direct_access){ # display the admin logo (wheel) at the bottom right
                echo "<div id=\"corner\">";
                echo "<div id=\"adm\" class=\"corn\">";
                echo "<a href=\"https://$hostname/acc/\"><img src=\"$img_rep$img_adm\"></a>";
                echo "</div>";
                echo "</div>";